Sep 18, 2020Liked by Jane Marie

Making friends as an adult is super hard. My entire friend group broke up many years ago and it was absolutely terrible. I thought I'd never have friends again. Then I joined my (new) local quilt guild. I made some acquaintances during the first two years. Another woman and I were pregnant during the third year and I knew from her blog that we were due close to one another and she didn't have any friends in the area, either. So after my kid was born three weeks early, I e-mailed her and literally said, "Do you want to be friends?" She said yes and 10 years later I'm pretty sure I would die without her. Once you have one friend, it's much easier to find others. I met several other very good friends through my son's preschool. The kids can't talk, but you can. Every mom, no matter where she lives, needs a good playdate (which is of course so much harder with all this nonsense going on). If my son liked another kid, I'd ask their mom to hang out on the playground after school or chat them up in the hallway. Getting involved in school activities -- joining the PTO, attending pancake breakfasts and all that crap really helps, too. Of course, I'm Midwestern and have no problem striking up conversations with strangers, so none of this advice may help you. Just know that you are totally not alone. We are all looking for friends that aren't our partners. And if you're in Kansas City, I'll be yours!

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Sep 18, 2020Liked by Jane Marie

That jumper reminds me of the Lunya one I bought a few years ago and live in (at home) to my husband's horror (it has a bit of a droopy crotch). The Lunya one is $$$ BUT I have worn it so much that I can now see the ground through the crotch when I pee so I feel I got my $$$ worth. I guess what I'm saying is get a few of those $20 jobs.

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Very belated comment but I'm here to say I'm a costume designer currently (mostly) out of work due to the pandemic and I will HAPPILY pro-bono advise anyone from this community on personal wardrobe/ style/ what needs to happen for your clothes to fit in a way that satisfies you. I fell in love with costume design as opposed to fashion because it's all about who someone is and and how that's expressed by the way you've styled the outside (as opposed to being about some vague ideal or the newest thing). Hit me up if you want help!

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Wow, turns out what I desperately needed in my life was an advice column specifically about shopping for clothes! I had my daughter 16 months ago and have been trying to figure out how to dress myself again ever since (which maybe means I wasn't doing so great before that...) I put in all this work in my 20s and early 30s to let go of wanting to be thinner, and not being able to dress myself so I feel awesome post-baby has had me backsliding. I guess I'm just saying: here for this!

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